Monday, October 25, 2010

My new favorite passion.

On Friday, I took half a day off from work and treated myself to my first round of golf on the course. I have been taking lessons now for just over a couple months, five in total so far, mostly working on my swing and stance. I bought my first set of clubs in July, and went to the driving range like a fiend for most of the summer. There is just something about smacking the hell out of those little balls that makes me feel better. I had not had the nerve to go and play 18 or even 9 holes, as it intimated me to think I would not do well. I moved beyond that though, and came to the realization... I enjoy this, and of course I am going to suck at it the first few times! I am in no way a natural athlete, that skip my dominant genes, but lots of practice has shown me that I, maybe one day can be decent. This is promising. One of the side favorites to all of this, is the cute outfits, to get to drive around the golf carts, and drink--that alone is a fun afternoon!  I made it through all 18 holes with a coworker, and finished with the same ball I started with. This was progress and I enjoyed myself so very much. A new passion turned into a possible love, who would have thought! Some of the new gear helps support breast cancer awareness, even better cause!

Clubs & the cart. I didn't even wreck it!
Hole 18! I made it!
And, I learned about the 19th hole. I like it the best!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Laughing so hard it hurts.

"A sense of humor... is needed armor. Joy in one's heart and some laughter on one's lips is a sign that the person down deep has a pretty good grasp of life."

There is nothing better in life than the love of friends who would cheer you up amidst the challenging day that now lay behind us. Tomorrow a new day and more life to live and enjoy. I will deal will it as it comes, as always. Best news of the day...It's statical fact only 4 out of 5 are nothing more than a mass. That is good. That is better odds. I can deal with that. True friends do the silliness right along with you. Blessed, no. Thankful, by choice. Grateful by experience. 
No bullshit here! Plenty of love, humor and amazing support. 
Oh, of course the vodka, pizza, and bread-sticks helped too!
“Try as much as possible to be wholly alive, with all your might, and when you laugh, laugh like hell and when you get angry, get good and angry. Try to be alive. You will be dead soon enough" Laugh until it hurts, until you are crying and it comes out your nose!

There are those times

“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”

Monday, October 11, 2010

Faith No More - I started a joke

This is good.

I don't like you.

Today, I don't like you. Tomorrow, I might be able to not cringe at the sound of your name. Blissful indifference will once again set in, and you will be just a forgotten memory. But today, I don't like you. I don't like the disrespect that you have shown, and the way you weirdly keep popping up in my life. This is just a small splinter to remove and  be tossed away.

I figure it is best to be happy as I have been, and surround myself with the people who love me, but I still don't like you. Instead of pushing for every negative thing in this world to throw at you, and bring down on you, I refrained and once again will be the bigger and better person. Not perfect mind you, but certainly a healthier and happier person, one who learned from past mistakes, and showed compassion when I didn't have to.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Joan Jett - Love Hurts

Love hurts, love scars, love wounds and mars
Any heart not tough nor strong enough
To take a lot of pain, take a lot of pain
Love is like a cloud holds a lot of rain
Love hurts, love hurts

I may be slow, but even so
I know a thing or two, Ive learned from you
Ive really learned a lot, really learned a lot
Love is like a flame, burns you when its hot
Love hurts, love hurts

Some fools rave of happiness, blissfullness, togetherness
Some fools fool themselves I guess
But theyre not fooling me

I know it isnt true, know it isnt true
Love is just a lie, made to make you blue
Love hurts, love hurts

I know it isnt true, know it isnt true
Love is just a lie, made to make you blue

Love hurts, love hurts

Saturday, October 9, 2010

More things I've learned

  • Yoga is a great form of stretching and relaxation. I can bend in ways that I could not before.
  • I love the feel of silk and satin on my skin. 
  • I am really good at managing the hours in the day, especially when most days, there are not enough to fit it all in.
  • I have so many friends that are unique and wonderful, that they make all the difference in my life.
  • I love to go bike riding on Saturday mornings on the path. I look forward to it.
  • I still like quiet nights at home.
  • I can drive a forklift.
  • I can drink "Old Crow" bourbon like a champ.
  • Dating is super fun, most of the time. Except for long nose hair. Gross.
  • I can hit the ball straighter and sorta where it needs to go in golf. Improvement.
  • Swing dancing and waltz's are something else I can do.  
  • I still love to watch movies. 
  • I am reading the best books, and understanding so much more with the right verbage.
  • I fully endorse the "shake-weight".
  • I wake up happy most days.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Lesson.

"I figure, you know, if you treat people right, you can only hope that they treat you right. It's as simple as it gets in this complicated world."
 There are moments and choices to where a person comes to a crossroad in life. One must stand back and look down the road  traveled, to decide where that direction is to take them forward.  Looking at the hard lessons learned, in vain, not to repeat them, and try to grow from them. Finding  a way to face the challenges before him with a balance within, to live a better life, and grow as a person. Life is an endless journey of tragedy, sorrow, joy, pain, and happiness. Nothing is ever written in stone, and can be forgiven in time, but not to be repeated. Making everything better all at once is a temporary fix, it will dull the pain, but it will not solve all the issues. They will resurface, they will still need to be dealt with. Having enough inner strength to face all of life's challenges takes time, it takes practice. Being happy with one's self is hard and not always easy. Nothing is ever perfect, but it can be balanced and manged, even in one's darkest hour. Courage, strength, and laughter are the keys that provide a stable foundation to which a better life can be found. Even if it is down the road not yet traveled.